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Go buy the game??

Guys, you keep on hacking. Don't listen to the ignorant git's who obviously have money to burn.
Did it ever occour to you (swede and the others) that some people can't afford the same pleasures you guys can????

Hacking is stealing ; just make a phone call to your local District Attorney's office and ask, you'll see. No big deal you say ? Well, I don't know how old you are, but if you want to teach your kids that it's ok to steal, and risk having them go to jail, then you have a problem...

To each their own you might say ? Well, if you want to steal, I'm not going to stop you, obviously ; just don't come here and spread your BS. Some of us have a sense of right and wrong, period. If you have expensive tastes and can't pay for your toys, then make sacrifices and get what you can afford. If you want to push this crap any further, find a "friendly" hacker forum and go nuts.



the whole point of Newbie is to help those who have problems on their computer, not to help you break the law, if that is your intention then we do not condone it.. we kindly remind you of this and advise that this is not a hacking forum, visit one of 'those' forums for that kind of information...


John L

Anxed: Even though i am not a tech on this forum i also have an opinion of what you say. As what i am labeled as a power user i have been to many places on the net, and learned alot of things from many people, some good, some bad and some great. I have burned up 2 computers trying to do things that were not so good, i finally figured out where i want to be on the net and its stopping people like you from spreading that kind of vile c**p. Young and old come here to fight this kind of thing from north to south and east to west. So why come to this great site where people come for great free help? Someday i will be a security consultant and i will be waiting for people like you. Learn from the net, not try to defeat it at every corner, nuff said I'm out. And to the techs you people are great at what you do thank you so much from all the newbie's out there keep up the good fight.

John L


Thankyou JohnL for your kind words to the tech here, its nice to feel appreciated!



Does getting copies from your friends games constitute stealing? My friend has all the real copies of the games he just made a copy for me

I think this goes without saying...if you did not purchase the software or cannot register it in your name; it is stealing. The only reason to have a burned copy of any software is if it is freeware or if it is a backup of your own software

Kevin >

I agree 100% with you.
Some people never learn.



just to clear this up for you..

when you buy a game you are not just buying the game you are also buying the licence.

if your friend copies the game he also copies the licence, so not only are you breaking the law by using that pirated software - but he is also breaking the law by supplying it to you.

hope this clears it up.



Yes thanks you it does..... I know now that I will not do that any more because I don't want to feel like a criminal...

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