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Stinger Antiworm


Found this program and I wonder if it's any good?

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Hey Swede,

Newbie already use Mcafee Stinger to repair some trojans. It is a good tool to use, but it does not detect all trojans out there.

Suggest that if you have a suspected trojan, then try out the tried and tested trojan detection tools already recommended in the anti-virus links on the left of this forum page.




Hey guys !

I've had infected victims use Stinger on a few occasions, when online scans wouldn't run because of nasty hijacks. Remember this : Stinger is like a small antivirus program, with only very recent virus definition files to keep the program "small" ; I don't think it is any better with trojan detection than any other AV out there though. Think of it as a "pocket McAfee" !! Another thing : if you download it, use it and delete it... the tool is updated frequently, so you need to have the most recent one when needed.

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